Recently, I came across this amazing video chronicling the top hit songs of 2013 (you have to watch it): It got me thinking about the songs that came out this year and all the memories I’ve made. Uplifting songs are a great thing to turn to when you’ve had...
This weekend a friend and I joined hundreds of attendees at Fort Lauderdale’s YogaFest, a day of yoga, music, and fun. It had been a few months since I did yoga (and boy am I feeling that now), but as a flexed myself back into downward dog I felt all the...
I’m going to tell you something and it might sound harsh. But you want the truth, don’t you? Stop making excuses. You know what I mean. We all make excuses: Excuses for our behavior. Excuses for our stagnation. Excuses for our addictions. Excuses for our...