A Hope, A Dream, and a Monkey Named Mr. Snuggles

This is Mr. Snuggles. He may not be a very big monkey but he is soft, and cuddly, and always has a smile on his face. We departed in the wee hours of the morning. The time of night even the owls don’t stay up for. I spent the whole night crying, clutching Mr....

The Medicalization of Depression or How I Found a Window

Depression is not a furry blue blanket. It’s not a cute cartoon or a lady with an adorable puppy running through a field of grass. Pharmaceutical companies have wrapped up the word “depression” into a pretty pink bow. Depression is big business....

Putting an End to Endo

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the word “endometriosis.” It’s probably because I’ve been saying it more, and writing it, and spelling it, and having Microsoft Word tell me that it does not exist (thanks a lot Bill Gates!) As many...