13 Things I’ve Learned From Living in Florida

I can’t believe that it was 10 months ago that I packed up all my belongings and shoved them into the back of my Mitsubishi. We left Delaware in the middle of the night, bound for sunny skies and palm trees. We didn’t know what the future held, but there...

Alone on a Beautiful Beach

Today I sat on the beach and thought about my life. Just me. The waves crashing on the shore. The occasional sea gull. And my thoughts. Too often I let my thoughts and feelings get skewed by the people around me. If they are happy, I am happy. If they are afraid, I am...

21 Days

Can you change your life in 21 days? I plan to. Thanks to a little nudge from the one and only Deepak Chopra, I have decided to change my outlook on life in the course of 21 days. From this day forward, I am committing to writing every day (right here), meditating...

Don’t Talk About It-Be About It

I’ve had my share of dark moments in this life and the past three days have been incredibly dark. A door has been closed, by no choice of my own, and now I am left to pick up the pieces. What hurts the most about this situation is that I have lost my mojo. I...