Podcast: The Path of Being an Entrepreneur

Podcast: The Path of Being an Entrepreneur

  In this episode I describe five “A-Ha” moments I had on the path of becoming an entrepreneur, someone who leads from the heart.    Listen now:        Welcome to the first episode of Soul Guided by Sookton, today I’d like to...
12 Things I Learned in My First 12 Months of Motherhood

12 Things I Learned in My First 12 Months of Motherhood

It’s been 12 months since my life changed forever… But I still remember the day like it was yesterday. After seventeen hours of labor with one final push I felt a release as my daughter came into the world. They handed her to me and with shaky hands I...
The Ultimate Recipe For Creativity

The Ultimate Recipe For Creativity

What is creativity? I have realized that it is such an amazing tool. You can harness it at any time. You can use it for so many different ventures. But what are the ingredients? How do you make this magic juice? Here’s your recipe: Ingredients 1 part...
[VIDEO] What Stories Are You Holding Onto?

[VIDEO] What Stories Are You Holding Onto?

Today on my YouTube channel I talk about our stories and how we can re-write the stories of our lives.  Think about the stories that you are living in right now – the story of your childhood, the story from the past, or the story of the fear, or the story that...
4 Lessons I Learned From Oprah’s Life You Want Weekend

4 Lessons I Learned From Oprah’s Life You Want Weekend

October was a rough month. I broke electronics, my car got hit in the parking lot, and when my laptop was stolen- my words, words that I had spent countless hours perfecting, a book that I was in the middle of writing, poems that had poured from my heart- were gone in...