I have a problem. I am an eternal optimist. Many would say that’s not exactly a problem, but it is when you are trying the wrestle with the problems that plague our Earth. Floods, bombs, poverty, rape, exploitation, war… “How am I gonna be an...
Calling all bloggers! Let’s get creative and collaborative. You see, I believe the most creative writing come naturally, randomly, and flows effortlessly onto the page. That’s why I want to do a little experiment. I would like to write a poem/blog post...
I was inspired by this post to think about spiritually healthy ways to start the new year. Each year, at the end of the year, I find myself drawn to my blog to reflect on the year and the lessons I have learned. But in the past two years, I have taken on some new...
Read the full article here: http://news.yahoo.com/6-ways-avoid-holiday-season-203237057.html