If money wasn’t a concern, what would you really be doing with your life? I invite you to look into your SOUL for the answers. Listen now: Can you launch a business in the middle of a pandemic? Let’s face it, we are going through some challenging...
This weekend I attended my first spiritual conference, sponsored by Hay House, called “I Can Do It 2014.” Leading up to the weekend, I had experienced a number of big life changes and it seemed like this conference could not have come at a better time. On...
I was excited for YogaFest. I wouldn’t stop talking about it all week. Especially after all the fun I’d had at last year’s YogaFest. But then came the rain. Several of the girls I was going with started to cancel, and all the excitement I had been...
Many of the poorest people I know are actually the happiest. Their days may be filled with strife of how to put a warm meal on the table, but once they settle down for dinner, they always give thanks. They know the value of that meal and the value of their family....
Today I had a sense of déjà vu. I was sitting at work, talking to my coworker- someone I just met- when it hit me. Wow. I’ve done this before. I remembered that desk and that chair. And what my coworker was saying. And the way she was saying it. I remembered it...