In case you have read the other 10 Day You Challenges and are wondering where 7 went, the answer is: I have hidden it.
As part of the 10 Day You Challenge, number 7 was to write 7 things you want. Well I think that is a little self indulgent and also a little personal. So I wrote the 7 things I wanted, but I am keeping them to myself.
Instead, I am moving on to 6 places.
And here they are:
[One] The Loquat Tree in the Garden of my Childhood Home
Loquats are delicious little yellow fruits that grow on the loquoat tree, a tropical tree found in parts of Kenya. I was lucky enough to have one right outside my parents’ bedroom window. Since I was a little bit of a tomboy when I was a kid, I would climb up on the tree and sit eating loquats while staring up at the sky. If you were to search for that tree you would know which branch was mine; it’s the one that is smooth and warn down, with carvings and scratches that will live on to tell the world what a beautiful, tranquil time that was in my life.
[Two] The Beach
What can I say? I love the beach. There is something about the smell, the sound, the sand between my toes, the cool ocean breeze – it’s just lovely.
Though, I will admit, I wasn’t always a beach babe. My mother reveals that the first time she put my feet on a sandy beach, I screamed bloody murder. Now, that “beach” was Brighton Beach in England- and I think even in my baby mind I was screaming, “Oh hells no, this ain’t no beach!”
[Three] The Dance Floor
I don’t even need a beer. I just need a booty-shaking beat. Reggae, rock, rap, trance, it’s all good with me. I just love to dance.
[Four] The Beautiful, Wild Plains of the Maasai Mara
It looks like something out of National Geographic, but it was happening right in front of my very nose. It was one of so many beautiful awe-inspiring moments on safari in the Maasai Mara in south western Kenya. I cannot stress enough: if you EVER get the chance to go to Africa, you must go on safari in the Maasai Mara.
Some more photos from that trip:
[Five] The Classroom
Yes. You can call me a dork. But I love learning, and I especially love seminar classes where you get to talk to other students and learn from their experiences. Next year I will be back in the classroom in a whole new role: the teacher (aahhh). Wish me luck.
[Six] In His Arms
There’s nowhere that I feel more comfortable. Le sigh.