While this song was stuck in my head, I started musing about the 90’s.
It was a time of baggy pants, bubble-gum pop, and reality TV. From crop tops to dungarees, I wore them all. I had the Spice Girls 6 inch platform sneakers (yes I did) and I tried all the latest hairstyles (some unsuccessfully).
It was the dawn of the digital revolution and although we didn’t have cell phones (though some of us had pagers) we knew how to really communicate. Movies always ended with a kiss and TV shows had some deeper underlying moral to them (something kids of today would probably never understand).
Our pop stars lived and died young. Our music was as eclectic as a bag of jelly beans. We lived on dial-up modems and did research in the library (with real books) but it made us who we are today.
I am proud to be a child of the 90’s. Here are 90 reasons I am a 90’s bitch and I don’t care!
1. Duck Tales (Woohoo)
2. Snap Bracelets

Source: BuzzFeed
3. STOP. Hammertime.
4. These guys:
6. And who could forget these:
7. The AIM Revolution
8. Before I Had a Dog, I Had a Tamagotchi
9. One Word: Leo
10. Snuffleupagus
11. Absolutely Fabulous, Darling
12. Back, back, forth and forth
13. Narf, Snarf, Whack, Oh Snap, As If
14. We all knew the lyrics to:
And danced around to this:
Or head-banged to this:
15. Don’t pour water on them!
16. These dance crazes:
17. The fashion: butterfly clips, tattoo chokers, crop tops, baggy jeans
18. The Classics:
19. How could I not love it? I grew up in the 90’s!