A Little Secret…

by | Jul 7, 2015


I haven’t been completely honest.

I’ve always been someone to wear my heart on my sleeve so it has been hard to be quiet. Because of this secret, I haven’t been free to write on my blog and share my truth.

You see, I have a little secret and every day the secret gets bigger and bigger and harder to hide. That’s the funny thing about secrets, they never go away and sometimes the best thing is to just be honest.

So here I am being honest, sharing my secret with the world.

It all began back in February when I discovered I had been given a wonderful blessing. Having learned from other women in my life, I decided it was best to keep this quiet and only tell my close friends.

But now, with only 14 weeks to go until I hold this precious blessing in my arms, I am ready to share with my blog followers and fellow lightworkers around the world. Because it would be wrong for me to write here without expressing truly what is in my heart.

And the past few months this is what has been taking up my heart the most:



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