If money wasn’t a concern, what would you really be doing with your life? I invite you to look into your SOUL for the answers. Listen now: Can you launch a business in the middle of a pandemic? Let’s face it, we are going through some challenging...
In this episode I describe five “A-Ha” moments I had on the path of becoming an entrepreneur, someone who leads from the heart. Listen now: Welcome to the first episode of Soul Guided by Sookton, today I’d like to...
I still remember bringing Mishka home from the hospital… She was such a delicate little creature with wide eyes and long, dainty fingers. We drove home so slowly, stopping cautiously at every light. It was as if I was emerging from some long, deep, daydream and...
What is creativity? I have realized that it is such an amazing tool. You can harness it at any time. You can use it for so many different ventures. But what are the ingredients? How do you make this magic juice? Here’s your recipe: Ingredients 1 part...
When I filled out the form to be a yoga teacher at The Yoga Expo in Fort Lauderdale I honestly didn’t think I had a shot. Even as I was filling the sign up form out, sitting with my hand resting on my pregnant belly, I thought to myself, “Hmm my baby will...