Motherhood and Getting Lost in the Crowd

Motherhood and Getting Lost in the Crowd

Every night I fall asleep with two monkeys an elephant, my husband, our 5 month old baby, and a dog in my bed. Though the monkeys and elephants are toys, they still take up room in our overly crowded queen sized bed. At the beginning of the night I might have a small...
Things I’ve Learned From 5 Months of Motherhood

Things I’ve Learned From 5 Months of Motherhood

  It’s hard to believe that it was 5 months ago this weekend that I welcomed my daughter Mishka into the world. I still remember her tiny hands reaching out for mine. It was an experience I’ll never forget.This weekend I was thinking about the things I have...

2015 Didn’t Go As Planned…

They say God laughs at your plans. 2015 has been a year of making and breaking plans. Nothing went according to plan but then everything went according to plan. I had a plan to write a book and win a publishing contract with Hay House. I wrote the book but...

Yoga and Babies and Books (Oh My!) 

   A few moments ago I was staring down at her big brown eyes and my eyes filled with tears. I said out loud:  “I never knew I could love another human being like this. Like you understand the words I say before I’ve even said them.”...

My Breastfeeding Experience

 Today I read a beautiful post by Tamera Mowry about her experience breastfeeding her baby girl Ariah. It inspired me to look back at my eight weeks as a breastfeeding momma… This is my journey:  That first hour after giving birth I was exhausted but...
Mishka’s Newborn Pictures

Mishka’s Newborn Pictures

Eight days postpartum and I walked bleary-eyed into the living room with a tiny baby tucked under my arm. Looking in the mirror I couldn’t believe that A. I was a mom. B. I had a tiny human in my arms. And C. I was about to take newborn pictures with this tiny...