My life in pictures: August – September 2013.
I have been unable to write for the past few weeks. It’s not that I don’t want to write. I love writing. It lives within me at all moments of the day. It is like an old friend that will always know my heart, completely. But lately, it has been hard to...
I am walking through a field of dragonflies. The hum of cicadas lingers in the air. Today I am spending my lunch break here, with my heels digging into the dirt. It doesn’t smell particularly nice and it’s hot, but I know this is exactly where I need to be...
So often people go through their entire lives searching for happiness. It’s funny because happiness is so totally abstract. It’s like a Salvador Dali seen for the first time by a middle school student in art class. Happiness is like a symphony heard for...
I met an agronomist in a bar one night and he had given up his 9 to 5 to live on a boat for a year and sail around the world. This man was incredibly intelligent. He had built his business from scratch, a successful nationwide company selling environmental solutions...