
Teaching Chakra Healing at the Yoga Expo

by | Jun 17, 2017

“When I find myself in times of trouble, Mother Mary comes to me.

Speaking words of wisdom, let it be. And in my hour of darkness

She is standing right in front of me.

Speaking words of wisdom,

let it be.” – The Beatles 

These words have always unlocked a certain compartment of my heart. I don’t know where they came from, or what dimension Sir Paul might have pulled them from one rainy, London night, but they are entirely and wholeheartedly formed from pure truth. Sometimes we have to just let things be.
The heart chakra is one of the chakras that most people struggle with. This is because as humans- creatures blessed (or cursed) with great emotional capacity- if we do not express ourselves, we hold onto the pain. The pain sits and hardens on the chest.

These past two weeks I have been tuning into my heart chakra. I have been opening and expressing and feeling. It all culminated on the day, on April 8th 2017 I had the honor of teaching a Chakra Healing workshop at the Yoga Expo in Fort Lauderdale.  Helping others heal was a way of giving me the strength to heal too. It was as if the Universe and my Angels were whispering to me, “yes, keep going. This is your destiny.”

On the day I taught the class, I knew it was going to be a big class so I was quite nervous. I took a breath and listened to some music, went to the marketplace and bumped into Nathan Levi Morris, a friend of mine who is an amazing yoga teacher and healer. He gave me a sound healing with the didjeridoo. Then I found a vendor selling vibrating yoga mats and I lay on them. I called my mother and she said I was going to do wonderfully. By this time I was so ground down I was ready to teach!

The class was completely channeled through me. Like I always say, I am the messenger. It was effortless and exhilarating and fun and the beginning of an ANGELIC new chapter in my life as I embrace my gifts, let go of my insecurities, and understand my worth.

That day I taught to the largest group I’ve ever taught to – over 100 beautiful souls. I know this is what I came here to do. To help and heal and uplift. Shine the light. We sang Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo – the Adi Mantra. It is the mantra that both protects us and connects us to the highest source of wisdom. There are many ways to translate it, but one is, “I bow to the All-That-Is. I bow to the Divine Wisdom within myself.” As we chanted I saw the transformation in the room. Afterwards 25 people came to give me a hug, it was so amazing! I’m still on cloud 9.


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