Go Home and Love Your Family

Go Home and Love Your Family

“What can you do to promote world peace? Go home and love your family.” – Mother Theresa Let’s get one thing clear: I love my family. Travel with me to a Saturday morning in South Florida. We are standing bare foot in the grass by a small pond....
5 Healthy Green Ways To Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day

5 Healthy Green Ways To Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day

In the past on Saint Patrick’s day, you would probably find me in a bar somewhere drinking green beer and taking down car bombs (okay, probably taking down one car bomb followed by the ‘I don’t feel so good’ look). But lately I have realized...

My Appreciation List

My parents always taught me to appreciate the things I had. Growing up in East Africa, there were many around us who were extremely poor. There were people who were literally starving to death, or people dying of AIDs. Children who were begging for change on the...