Become a Spiritual Coach & Follow Your Soul-Guided Mission

by | Mar 18, 2021

It feels really official. I finally changed my LinkedIn profile to let the world know I am a spiritual coach.

I don’t know why this final “coming out,” took me so long but I just felt like my former co-workers, bosses, and the rest of the contacts from my once-corporate-life would judge me or laugh. The truth is I have probably known I am a spiritual coach or teacher since I was a little girl. The “small enlightened one” I was always telling people about God or fairies or sharing little nuggets of wisdom that seemed to come from nowhere.

When you’re here to serve a higher power, you really know it from the moment you were born.

What I mean to say is, you might have this deep feeling in your heart that is really hard to express. You find yourself quite often feeling like an alien or an outcast because you can’t REALLY talk to them about your psychic insights or intuitive message. I mean they will all think you’re crazy right? Right?

Your mission – your soul-guided mission – is not something that you awaken to. It often irritates me when I hear people say they just “got into their spiritual path about a year ago.” No you didn’t you AWOKEN to it, but you had it all along. No, your soul-guided mission is something you are born with. Period. You come in ALL KNOWING and then you quickly forget and get distracted by the sparkling lights. Somewhere in the fog of the human existence illusion you lose yourself. But you always knew. You always, always knew.

So I am here to hold space for your awakening

Spiritual CoachOver the past few weeks I have said those words many times. “ I am holding space for you.” I have said it as my clients wept. I have said it as they exhaled through shaky lips. I have said it as they shook their heads. I have said it as the realization swept over them.

My purpose and my passion have finally landed together and it feels amazing. I know I am here to serve the highest of sources – the DIVINE source. I am here to hold space for my clients. I am creating and maintaining the magical container for their expansion, evolution and healing.

“What does a spiritual coach do?” You might ask.

Amazing question, thank you, yes. As a spiritual coach I create these containers for expansion and expression. You see I believe that expression, whether it be creative expression or emotional release is the basis of all healing. And I believe that healing is the ultimate voyage to enlightenment. So as a spiritual coach I invite my clients into a container of expression.

I know how delicate this container is. I know that not everyone can do this kind of work. So it lights me up that others trust me with their HEARTS. In my online programs, in my 1-1 coaching and in my energy healing sessions, I promise to treat each client with the most nourishing and gentle energy. I promise not to break their hearts. I know how long it can take for me to get in, to get close to that heart. That’s why cherish each and every relationship that comes from my coaching. 

Today and every day I am dedicated to my soul-guided mission.


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