I’m Learning to Fly

by | Feb 17, 2012

I saw a dead bird.

Yes, I saw a dead bird on Valentine’s Day.

It was frozen on the ground; laying still, peaceful.

My heart broke for it.

I’ve been trying to find my wings lately. And since I take everything to be a sign, I took this dead bird as a very bad omen.

You see, just six months ago Rob and I saved a crow’s life. We took it to the bird rescue and then a month later I set it free, watching it spread its wings and fly off into the sunset. It was one of the most beautiful moments of my life.

And now here I was, standing in front of a dead bird. Wondering what it all meant?

Life has a funny way of showing you things.

Last month I decided to get a tattoo. It is on my back and features birds flying up along with the words “I’ll fly with you.”

Most people didn’t understand it. My father said it was because I was insecure.


No, the opposite: very secure.

Each and every tattoo on my body has come to me at a significant and transformative time in my life.

This one has come at the perfect time.

You see, I’m growing my wings.I’m investing in my freedom.

In the past few weeks I have felt a transformation that I can’t really describe. It’s like a caterpillar, waiting for the spring, simmer, learning, changing.

Today my yoga instructor said that in the winter months we should meditate on winter. We should meditate on the cold, the stillness, the silence.

She said, “Cherish the hope that lies beneath the snow.”

And in that moment I remembered that frozen dead bird.

And it all became so painfully clear.

Cherish the life, cherish your wings because it can be all taken away from you.

And so I’ll continue to fly.



1 Comment

  1. Cynthia Price

    I enjoyed your post, especially because a winter storm is due here. Keep flying…


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